Terrific Tuesday Tip

I have a Terrific Tuesday Tip for you today!


I take a die out to use on a project and I can’t remember which set it went to in order to put it back! Ever happen to you? Maybe I’m just a messy crafter, but I don’t think I’m alone! I couldn’t stand it anymore. And then the lightbulb in my head went on and now I have a…


I now make a copy of the die set just as it comes in the package – you know, stuck hard to that gluey sheet – before I remove the dies. Then I cut it down to size and set the copy paper on top of my Stamp-n-Storage Magnetic Sheets (buy those HERE).

Next I remove the dies from the sticky sheet (throw that away!) and place them on the copy paper right over the picture. The magnet is strong enough to hold the dies with the copy paper between them.

Problem solved! Now I can easily see which dies go to which set. They are neatly contained on the magnetic sheet. And they always fit perfectly because the picture is how they were packaged originally. I can put them back on the magnetic sheet and into their original plastic envelope with the factory label sheet. And nothing should get misplaced again! We hope! 🙂

I hope my tip makes crafting storage a little bit easier for you!

Tomorrow is CASEing Coast to Coast with Rosanne Mulhern. Come back and see what we’ve been working on! See you then,



  1. Thank You, thank you!!!

  2. Oh Karen . . . LOVE, LOVE, LOVE It.
    Have a blessed day.

  3. What a great idea to solve that problem and yes, it happens often with me. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Another way of doing this is to go to DOStamping with Dawn (Olchefske) and go to the section where she lists measurements for dies and copy them. They show all of the dies plus the measurements for each one. I attach the copy to the back of my magnetic cards and it works just great.

    • Yes, I’ve seen Dawn’s measurement photos ~ very helpful! I too was putting them on the back of my magnetic sheets, but when I discovered I could put them on the front, I don’t have to glue or tape it on because the dies hold it on. And I didn’t have to turn it over all the time! Photographing the factory packaging helps to fit all the dies on one sheet, which had been a problem for me too! Win, win!

  5. Barbara Riefner

    Great Idea!! I will try it. TFS

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