Christmas in … August Class!

I hosted a Christmas in July August class last week and it was a lot of fun! My original plan was to have it in July, but the Coronavirus had other plans in mind! So, August it was! Participants received the latest Mini Catalogs, a Star Treat Bag filled with Christmas candy, a bagful of holiday snack mix, and a host of other red and green goodies. We traded snow for AC (it was close to 100 degrees outside that day!) and enjoyed a festive mood.

Here is a photo of the three cards everyone made. I (foolishly) forgot to take photos during the event! Making a mental note for next time.

If you live in my area (Granite Bay/Roseville/Rocklin/Folsom/Orangevale/Citrus Heights, California), and would be interested in joining us at one of my monthly classes, you are most welcome! Contact me by comment below, or email me at I would love to meet you!


  1. The cards were very cute (as always) and the snack mix was delicious!!

  2. Connie Snowberger

    I attended this class and had a wonderful time in the a/c creating Christmas cards! Your classes are always fun, Karen. Thanks!

  3. Chris from Pella

    So fun! I wished I lived in your area or that you were closer at least. Great cards and sounded like fun!

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