Peaceful Poinsettia for PPA 279

It’s a color challenge at Pals Paper Arts this week!  Here is the banner that I used to create my card:
12-10 PPA279 
Look at all the beautiful cards created this week over at the PPA site by clicking HERE
For my card, I used the poinsettia print and the music sheet print, both from Home for Christmas Designer Series Paper.  I backed the music print with a thin layer of Basic Black and glued it to a Cherry Cobbler base.  The poinsettia print is 2″ wide with 1/4″ strips of Gold Foil glued to the top and bottom.  (TIP: when gluing thin strips of paper together like this, use the silicone mat underneath.  It makes it so easy to glue without sticking to everything around it!)  
Embellishments:  I stamped and hand cut two poinsettia leaves from Mossy Meadow.  With a glue dot, I wrapped some gold thread around the top of the leaves.  “Peace” was cut with several layers, the top being gold foil and the “shadow” underneath is Basic Black.  It is part of the Christmas Greetings Thinlits Dies.

You can find all of the supplies I used listed at the end of this post.  I hope you enjoyed seeing all of the amazing work posted this week over at the PPA site.  Come see another challenge and join in on Thursday!
Thanks for stopping by!
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  1. The card is gorgeous, the gold just really makes it pop. Nice work.

  2. Stunning Karen! I love the sheet music patterened paper for the background. It really makes the poinsettias pop with the gold. Thanks for playing along with us this week at Pals Paper Arts and Merry Christmas to you!

  3. Stunning Karen! I love the sheet music patterened paper for the background. It really makes the poinsettias pop with the gold. Thanks for playing along with us this week at Pals Paper Arts and Merry Christmas to you!

  4. Hi Karen! I love your classic design this week. I'm glad you found inspiration in this week's Pals Paper Arts color combo. I hope to see you play again with us soon!

  5. Love the way you used the music DSP behind the poinsettias. And the gold thread is the perfect touch! Thanks for joining us this week at Pals Paper Arts!

  6. Gorgeous layout and use of these papers, Karen. I love the poinsettias on the center panel. Thanks you so much for playing along with this week's Pals Paper Arts color challenge!

  7. Beautiful mix of DSP and gold! Love when the DSP can take center stage! Thank you for playing along in this week's Pals color challenge!

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